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Emma One Foam Mattress - Double Mattress, 135x190 cm.

Emma One Foam Mattress - Double Mattress, 135x190 cm.

Regular price £299.90
Regular price Sale price £299.90
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Emma One Foam Mattress - Double Mattress, 135x190 cm, Lying comfort, Ergonomic 7-zone Mattress, Breathable, Developed in Germany & Produced in the UK

3-Layer Foam
The top layer regulates temperature, the second layer provides pressure relief, and the third layer contains zone cuts for targeted support.

7 Ergonomic Zones
thanks to the 7 different zones and memory foam, your back receives support and relief in any resting position

Breathable cover
With a light fiber that immediately releases moisture and ensures a good sleeping climate. Simultaneously, the cover is stretchable and can adapt well to the body—fire retardant cover.

200 Nights Trial
We will give you 200 nights to test your new Emma Topper in your home. This way, you can get to know your new topper without any worries and convince yourself of its quality.

Convenient delivery
The mattress is delivered rolled and vacuum-packed in a cardboard box, making it easy to set up, and comes with a 10-year guarantee and a risk-free 200-night trial period.

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